Topic 6: Principles of plant growth

 Explain the concept turgor and plasmolysis

Define the term Tugor

Turgor pressure is the force exerted by fluid inside a plant cell that pushes the cell membrane against the cell wall, contributing to the rigidity of living plant tissue. 

.This pressure is crucial for maintaining the structural integrity of plants, allowing them to stand upright and maintain their shape. 

.A loss of turgor pressure, typically due to water loss, leads to wilting in flowers and leaves as the cells lose their firmness. 

Define the term Plasmolysis

Plasmolysis is defined as the process of contraction or shrinkage of the protozam of a plant cell and is caused due to the loss of water in the cell. Plasmolysis is an example of the results of osmosis and rarely occurs in nature.

Differences between Turgor and Plasmolysis 

.Plant Cells: Plants are made up of cells that cooperate to support growth and structural integrity. The proper maintenance of energy and operation of these cells is greatly influenced by water and sunshine.

. Response and Justification: Plants respond to water through a process known as plastolysis. Water pours out of the plant cells as a result of the flow of water from a high concentration solution to a low concentration solution. This produces the wilting of plants known as plasmolysis. Turgidity is a turgor pressure that is the force in cells that pushes fluid against the cell wall. This is what helps the plant stay rigid and upright. Therefore, plasmolysis causes the plant to collapse, while turgidity helps the plant stand up straight.

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