Topic 2: Environmental influences on Agricultural practices

 Water cycle

What is water cycle?

.Refers to the ongoing movement of water in the Earth's atmosphere through a number of different processes, including evaporation, condensation, precipitation, infiltration and runoff.

Describe the water cycle 

 The water cycle operates as follows:

 1. Evaporation: 

Water from rivers, lakes, oceans, and other bodies of water is heated by the sun and turns into water vapor, which rises into the atmosphere.

 2. Condensation: 

As water vapor rises and cools, it condenses into tiny droplets, forming clouds in the atmosphere. 

3. Precipitation: 

These droplets combine and grow heavy enough to fall back to Earth as precipitation, which takes the form of rain, snow, sleet, or hail.  

4. Infiltration:

 Water seeps into the earth and becomes groundwater, which travels through subsurface layers of rock and soil. 

5. Runoff: 

Water travels over the ground and returns to seas and lakes, ready to start the cycle again.

Note: Through the distribution of water throughout the planet, this cycle is essential to preserving Earth's climate and sustaining life.

Significance of ground water resources 

Groundwater resources are extremely important for a number of reasons:

1. Used for drinking purpose 

They supply a large amount of the fresh water used globally for drinking and sanitation, particularly in arid and semi-arid regions where surface water is scarce.

2. Agricultural Use

Groundwater is essential for irrigation in agriculture, helping to ensure food security and support livelihoods in many regions. 

3. Industrial Uses

Groundwater is essential for processes and cooling in many industries, making it essential for economic activities. 

4. Ecosystem Support

Groundwater contributes to the base flow of rivers and wetlands, supporting aquatic ecosystems and maintaining biodiversity.

5. Drought Resilience

It acts as a buffer during times of drought, providing a more dependable source of water when surface water is scarce.


  1. Wow.. Keep it up..πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸΎ

  2. Insightful and informative. The detailed explanations of how various environmental factors impact farming methods were particularly valuable.


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