Topic 8: Livestock Physiology

Define the term Artificial Insemination 

.Is the introduction of semen directly into the female reproductive tract through means other than copulation.

Procedures of artificial insemination of cow

Discuss the advantages of artificial insemination 

There are several advantages by artificial insemination over natural mating or servicing:

.There is no need of maintenance of breeding bull for a herd; hence the cost of maintenance of breeding bull is saved.

.It prevents the spread of certain diseases and sterility due to genital diseases’: contagious abortion, vibriosis.

.By regular examination of semen after collection and frequent checking on fertility make, early detection of interior males and better breeding efficiency is ensured.

.The progeny testing can be done at an early age.

.The semen of a desired size can be used even after the death of that particular sire.

.The semen collected can be taken to the urban areas or rural areas for insemination

.Old, heavy and injured sires can be used.

Disadvantages of Artificial Insemination

.Requires well-trained operations and special equipment.

.Requires more time than natural services.

.Improper cleaning of instruments and in sanitary conditions may lead to lower fertility.

.If the bull is not properly tested, the spreading of genital diseases will be increased.

.Necessitates the knowledge of the structure and function of reproduction on the part of operator.


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