Topic 9: Irrigation and Soil Drainage

 Explain what is meant by leaching 

. Refers to the removal of inorganic and organic substances from aerial plant parts by the action of aqueous solutions such as rain, dew, mist, irrigation, and fog.

. Substances leached from plants may include inorganic elements and organic compounds such as carbohydrates, amino acids,or vitamins.

Discuss the effects of leaching on plant growth:

.Leaching removes vital nutrients and micronutrients, such as water-soluble boron, from the soil, causing potential deficiencies in crops.
For example, when crops suffer from boron deficiency, they exhibit visual symptoms including:

.Misshapen, thick, brittle, small leaves

.Short stems and a "shrunken" appearance

.Weak or dead growing points

.Cracks and splits in petioles, stems, and sometimes fruit

.Impaired root growth

 . As nutrients leave the soil, the soil itself becomes more toxic, causing further harm to the crop, and limiting future uses for that plot of land unless the nutrients are replaced. Toxic soil means that fewer earthworms, which are essential for maintaining healthy pH levels in soil and for composting decaying leaves and plants, can survive.
. Erosion is also a concern when leaching occurs in your fields. Since leaching washes away micronutrients that are required for healthy crop growth, crops aren’t able to grow strong of root systems to hold the soil in place when the next large storm or irrigation happens.

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